Monday, February 8, 2010

Always questioning

There are days when I understand why I make certain decisions far more clearly than other days.  Sometimes, when you spend time with someone, and are faced again with the same old attitudes and blinders from them, you have to repeat to yourself, "It's good to be where I am."  I may like someone, but dealing with their situations doesn't come easy for me when I feel like those situations are due to purposeful lack of awareness...the thought that it is easier to play victim and ignore the problem by saying, "I don't know what to do."  You can only say that so many times before you try something ......anything.  Also, this is a difficult prospect in that I strive to be non-judgemental as much as is humanly possible....but this issue is a struggle for me....why would anyone want to live in constant ignorance?  Is it really easier in the long run?  I am always asking God to help me in this be more like Jesus in dealing with others.  I have found that I am most able to be kind to everyone when I look at them from the "Old Soul - New Soul"'s like seeing difficult people as the first steps of life on earth.....then, it's not so hard to be kind.

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