Friday, January 29, 2010

What I'm reading

Typically, I'm reading a lot....really, a lot.  Right now I'm reading Reclaiming Virtue by John's great because he begins with stories about people such as Ruby Bridges...inspiring readers right from the very first page.  It also gives a good bit of background about the author, and his struggle through Seminary and why he left, etc.  He also goes into a history of theology and definitions of virtue....

I think my favorite books lately have been Crazy Love and Forgotten God by Francis Chan.  I thought I liked Crazy Love better (maybe because I read it first), but Forgotten God really touched my heart in a way that Crazy Love didn't....maybe because I don't feel like my friendship with Jesus was ever lacking or in question (though it might have been from His perspective)..but the Holy Spirit leading you on a daily basis is definitely something I want to continue to work on and perfect every day.  It's a great thing to aspire to....if everyone could be lead by the Spirit just ONCE each day, well, let's just say the world would certainly be a lot more interesting (in a good way)!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more with you about letting the Holy Spirit guide us through our day. It is an amazing thing that God is with us in this way and that I often lack sensitivity to the Spirit or the awareness that God is with us in this way. I love your new blog! Lisa T.
