Sunday, February 21, 2010

Life lessons

We are the sum of all of our parts; good, bad and indifferent.  I can say to myself or others, "I'm not that person anymore" and it is because what used to be in me just isn't there now. 

It is difficult to stay in step with the Spirit every day, but it is certainly worthwhile.  I find that I am happiest when I am looking at the "bad" parts of myself and not necessarily trying to fix them, but being "led" to choose differently.  I notice that the more I focus on my own awareness of my faults and flaws, the less time I have to notice them in others....which isn't my job anyway.  I know that in me, self-righteousness and superior thinking can be a problem.  I work to listen to the Spirit and reform minute by minute.  It's funny, because I definitely don't think of myself as "better" than anyone, but self-righteousness rears its ugly head when I think my choices are better than what others may choose.  I also have always had difficulty with people I think are deliberately ignorant...ignoring issues that are too difficult to deal with, etc.  Yet, who isn't guilty of not facing some issue at some time just because it's hard or uncomfortable?  Certainly I am.  I am learning to be so much more deliberate about awareness and compassion.  Even though I feel like I've always been a compassionate person, I know that I have miles to go before it is completely natural.

The phrase "Give me Your eyes" has come to have special meaning for me.  I strive in every moment now to look with eyes I haven't used think before I even form an opinion that used to be instant.  It is hard work.

Thanks to all the great thinkers and writers who inspire those of us who really want to learn how to be more compassionate and loving.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monvee and "Next"

At The Chapel, they have started using a new computer program called "Next" by Monvee.  It is a spiritual software program designed to lead you closer to God by finding out how you learn best and how you relate to God best.  Then, it takes the information and formulates a spiritual plan for people to follow.  Very interesting...I like it so far!  It recommended some books I've never even heard of for me...and considering I read ALOT!....that's refreshing!

Always questioning

There are days when I understand why I make certain decisions far more clearly than other days.  Sometimes, when you spend time with someone, and are faced again with the same old attitudes and blinders from them, you have to repeat to yourself, "It's good to be where I am."  I may like someone, but dealing with their situations doesn't come easy for me when I feel like those situations are due to purposeful lack of awareness...the thought that it is easier to play victim and ignore the problem by saying, "I don't know what to do."  You can only say that so many times before you try something ......anything.  Also, this is a difficult prospect in that I strive to be non-judgemental as much as is humanly possible....but this issue is a struggle for me....why would anyone want to live in constant ignorance?  Is it really easier in the long run?  I am always asking God to help me in this be more like Jesus in dealing with others.  I have found that I am most able to be kind to everyone when I look at them from the "Old Soul - New Soul"'s like seeing difficult people as the first steps of life on earth.....then, it's not so hard to be kind.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Critical Thinking

Probably one of the most valuable homeschooling resources for older kids (4th grade and up) I have found has been the Critical Thinking Company.  There are so many books available, including Word Roots, math, science, etc.  It seems to me that most kids I know could really use lessons in the area of critical thinking, rather than just being spoon fed textbook answers.  In our homeschool we don't use textbooks anyway, but it is a good alternative to have something to work on amidst daily life....that still teaches critical lessons needed later.  I consider myself to be very literate, and I was surprised how difficult some of the seventh grade Latin word roots became, I had to think hard and compare some of them before I answered my son!  I think I'll leave dad to help with math.....I got through Calculus....but by the skin of my teeth!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dinner tonight

Ala Julie and Julia, I've found a page from The Atlantic and the food preparer for the movie, who kindly shared the recipe for the amazing bruschetta that was featured early in the movie....we are all very excited to eat, but sad that it is not summer and we have no fresh heirloom tomatoes....roma will have to's the link if anyone is so inclined:


I've been thinking a lot about perspective lately...specifically, that it is one of the most useful things you can mentally acquire.  I have personally been transformed by perspective.  I feel that I have always had hints of it in my life, but I have never immersed myself in it willingly the way I have in the recent past.  I highly recommend it.

For instance, there have been times in my far distant past as well as fairly recently that I would say my life has taken really rough turns.  Yet, simply by placing myself into the shoes of someone else's story...I realize I am SO FORTUNATE....only my perspective was skewed.  Can I really compare my problems with people whom have lost their children?  Lost soul mates?  Are hungry? Are homeless?  Are friendless? Live without dignity?  Live persecuted?  Live without clean water or the basic necessities of life?  Now, some would argue that it is all in how you look at it, and I don't need to compare myself or my situation with those extreme examples....yet, more and more I see they are not extreme.  If there is one thing that social networking has provided me with, it is a connection to people that all of these things are happening to.  Right now.  People who are connected with people I know.  Not that people I don't know should matter any less....and they don't....but I don't have the luxury of putting them at arms length anymore.  In a way, Thank GOD for Facebook.  I have done more praying in the last six months than the last ten years!

We insulate ourselves every day from so many things.  We need to open ourselves up instead.  It's the key to a happier life for everyone.

Friday, January 29, 2010

What I'm reading

Typically, I'm reading a lot....really, a lot.  Right now I'm reading Reclaiming Virtue by John's great because he begins with stories about people such as Ruby Bridges...inspiring readers right from the very first page.  It also gives a good bit of background about the author, and his struggle through Seminary and why he left, etc.  He also goes into a history of theology and definitions of virtue....

I think my favorite books lately have been Crazy Love and Forgotten God by Francis Chan.  I thought I liked Crazy Love better (maybe because I read it first), but Forgotten God really touched my heart in a way that Crazy Love didn't....maybe because I don't feel like my friendship with Jesus was ever lacking or in question (though it might have been from His perspective)..but the Holy Spirit leading you on a daily basis is definitely something I want to continue to work on and perfect every day.  It's a great thing to aspire to....if everyone could be lead by the Spirit just ONCE each day, well, let's just say the world would certainly be a lot more interesting (in a good way)!